Head Injuries

Treatment for Head Injuries Caused by Accidents in Georgia

Suffering a head injury in a car crash or slip and fall can be a life altering tragedy. Even if your head injury was only minor, you could end up suffering long-term consequences like dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, facial pain or even a number of psychological problems like irritability, forgetfulness, impaired concentration, sensitivity to noise or anxiety.

If you have any reason to suspect that you or a loved one has suffered a head injury, it’s imperative you seek medical care immediately. Many serious head injuries can be effectively treated when caught quickly, but some head injuries can have irreversible long-term consequences if you don’t take fast action.

A HURT911 clinic will see you the same day as your accident if you believe you have suffered a head injury or any other kind of injury in an auto accident. Our board-certified chiropractors and medical doctors will use their decades of experience and cutting-edge diagnostic tools like MRIs, X-rays and CT scans to identify head injuries and immediately begin treatment.

We’ll Start Your Head Injury Treatment for No Out-of-Pocket Costs

HURT911 accepts insurance but never requires patients have insurance to begin treatment. Instead, we work with insurance companies and attorneys to help our patients receive the compensation they deserve for their accident injuries. Our goal is to make sure that the party responsible for your injuries is the one who ends up paying for your head injury treatments.

There’s often no time to waste after you or someone you love has suffered a head injury. Don’t hesitate to call us right away. We can even arrange transportation if your car is wrecked, or your injuries prevent you from driving yourself to one of our clinics.

Don’t let concerns about treatment cost stop you from getting care for a head injury. Call HURT911 right away.

Request a Consultation

Have you been injured in an accident? Contact us today to begin treatment!

Consultation Request

Find a Location Near You

HURT911 has eight conveniently located clinics throughout the state that provide top-of-the-line injury care.



Did You Suffer a Head Injury in an Accident in Georgia?

Schedule a Same-Day Appointment by Calling 1-800-HURT-911.

We’ll Provide Transportation to Your Appointment if Necessary

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