What to Expect

What to Expect from Your Injury Treatment at HURT911 in Georgia

Every HURT911 patient receives a FREE evaluation to determine their state of injury.

Be prepared to tell the doctor about any injuries you may have from your accident and how they occurred. You will also want to discuss any past medical procedures, pre-existing conditions and your current health.

It helps to think through your answers before seeing your board-certified HURT911 medical doctor. Don’t hesitate to write important facts down ahead of time so you don’t leave out anything important.

You will be given a thorough examination to diagnose the specific cause of your pain. Our doctors will also look at how you walk and move, check your spinal alignment and may ask you to make certain motions to determine any areas of restricted movement. Understanding your body’s mechanics and how your accident may have affected it is a vital first step in diagnosing and treating your injuries.

In addition to the physical exam, you may also undergo an on-site X-ray or an MRI to help diagnose the exact cause of your pain.

Atlanta Chiropractor setting expectations with patient

Maximizing the Settlement Value of an Injury Claim the Right Way

Both the nature and duration of the medical treatment you receive will play a large role in how the insurance company values your claim. A key component of most injury cases are medical damages, which is just a fancy way of saying the totality of medical bills from having your injuries diagnosed and treated. You should be able to seek damages for all types of medical costs, including:

  • Emergency room care
  • Ambulance rides from the accident
  • Hospital stays
  • Surgeries related to your injury
  • Physical therapy
  • Mobility assistance devices

You should even be able to seek compensation for non-medical costs that you incurred because you had to seek treatment. For example, if you had to pay for extra childcare so you could visit a HURT911 chiropractor, you should be compensated for those childcare costs.

It will be harder to prove your treatment costs and other injury-related costs were directly related to your accident if the medical professionals who treat you don’t properly document your diagnosis and treatment. The team at HURT911 specializes in diagnosing and treating accident injuries, as well as working with personal injury lawyers and insurance companies to bolster each patient’s case.

Types of Medical Treatment

According to insurance adjusters, the type and amount of medical care you receive can affect how insurance companies treat your injury claim. Also, the type of medical personnel or facility providing your injury care can have a big impact on the viability of your claim and eventual compensation.


Before you can be treated for an injury, medical personnel must accurately diagnose it and document its cause. Insurance companies sometimes try to claim injuries were either pre-existing or caused by something other than your accident. Medical professionals experienced in accident injuries can help prevent that from happening.

Some doctors will put a person through too many tests and examinations in an attempt to diagnose what is wrong. Excessive testing can run up large medical bills. If most of a patient’s medical bills are related to diagnostics and testing, and the injury winds up requiring little treatment, an insurance adjuster might feel the bills don’t reflect the actual treatment. Consequently, the adjuster might offer to pay out less compensation than you deserve.

This is one of the reasons it is important to work with specialists like those at HURT911. We see thousands of cases a year and are normally able to accurately diagnose our patients’ injuries very quickly.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a common treatment for many car crash and slip and fall injuries, yet it is generally considered to be lower in the compensation pecking order than other kinds of medical treatment.

If your chiropractor or medical doctor prescribes a few weeks of physical therapy, the insurance adjuster may be fine with it and compensate you for it completely. However, if you have physical therapy for months and the therapy accounts for the largest part of your medical bills, the insurance adjuster may attempt to compensate you for less than the full cost of the therapy.

Where you receive physical therapy may also affect how the insurance company views it. If you receive physical therapy outside the doctor’s office, the insurance adjuster might question the authenticity of the therapy and attempt to compensate you less.

The insurance companies believe that, when left to their own devices, physical therapists tend to treat patients in excess of what is necessary. If you seek physical therapy independently, without it having been recommended or prescribed by your physician, an insurance adjuster may not even compensate you for it at all.

HURT911 doctors only prescribe physical therapy to patients when it is necessary, and we can always prove it was necessary to insurance companies through thorough documentation and reporting.

Duration of Treatment

Personal injury lawyers sometimes use the length of a patient’s injury treatment and healing process as evidence for the high degree of pain and suffering they endured due to the accident. Completing your entire recovery plan as prescribed by your HURT911 doctor may help convince the insurance company of the seriousness of your injury.

That said, most insurance adjusters are suspicious of physical therapists and chiropractors, believing that they often give treatment longer than necessary to inflate their payments. The reputation of the medical clinic, physical therapists and health care professionals who treat your accident injuries may have a significant impact on the perceived authenticity of your claims.

This is why it is important to work with well-respected experts like those at HURT911: not only can we find the most efficient and effective ways to treat your injuries, but we are also trusted by insurance adjusters to not over charge or over treat patients.


Have You Been Injured in an Accident?

We Can Diagnose You, Treat Your Injuries and Help You Get Compensation. Schedule a Same-Day Appointment by Calling 1-800-HURT-911.

We’ll Provide Transportation to Your Appointment if Necessary

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