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What Is Seatbelt Syndrome?

Jeff Gorwitz • Jan 16, 2023
what is seatbelt syndrome?

Seatbelt syndrome is a type of physical trauma that results from the use of a seat belt during an automotive accident. It occurs when the force of the seat belt causes blunt abdominal and chest trauma. Particularly severe seat belt injuries can potentially result in spine fractures and internal organ damage.

Although wearing your seatbelt can save your life by preventing you from getting ejected out of your vehicle or hitting the dashboard, experiencing seatbelt syndrome can, in rare circumstances, be just as dangerous. The good news is seatbelt syndrome is very uncommon, but when it does happen, it can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

What Injuries and Medical Conditions Are Caused by Seatbelt Syndrome?

Abdominal Wall Tears

The pressure from seatbelt syndrome can be so great that it can cause the abdominal muscles and organs to tear, resulting in severe internal bleeding. In severe cases, surgery may be required to repair the damage from the trauma.

Signs and symptoms of this condition include:

  • Pain or tenderness over the abdomen
  • Bruising along the area where the seat belt was worn
  • Swelling of any organs affected by the trauma

If left untreated, abdominal wall tears can result in serious complications such as organ failure or even death.

Pelvic Fractures

The force from the belt can cause fractures to bones in the pelvis, including those that form part of the hip joint. These fractures can range from simple cracks to more serious breaks which may require surgical repair.

Symptoms of a fractured pelvis include:

  • Severe pain in the affected area
  • Difficulty walking or standing without support
  • Bruising and swelling in the hip area
  • Limited range of motion in the hips or legs
  • Visible deformity of the pelvic bones

Liver Lacerations

A common injury associated with seatbelt syndrome trauma is liver lacerations. The condition occurs when the seat belt cuts into or compresses organs such as the liver, causing bleeding within its tissue layers. Liver lacerations can range from minor tears to large ones which may require surgical intervention.

Symptoms of liver lacerations include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever

If left untreated, these injuries can lead to further complications such as infection or organ failure caused by internal bleeding and tissue damage.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries from seatbelt syndrome can occur when the force of a crash causes you to be forcefully pushed into your seatbelt, which then compresses the spine and damages or fractures vertebrae in the neck and upper back area.

In severe cases, a spinal cord injury can cause paralysis as well as other serious complications, such as breathing difficulties, loss of sensation in limbs, bladder control issues and even death.


The most common symptom associated with a spinal cord injury caused by seatbelt syndrome is pain along the entire length of your spine or in specific areas where vertebrae have been damaged or fractured. Other signs include:

  • Decreased range of motion in affected areas
  • Numbness or tingling sensations throughout your body
  • Difficulty moving certain parts of your body due to muscle weakness or spasms

Neurological Damage

Another common consequence of seatbelt syndrome is neurological damage. The neurological effects of seatbelt syndrome can be long lasting, especially if they’re not properly treated. An example of neurological damage caused by rapid acceleration/deceleration is nerve damage, which may be permanent and lead to chronic pain. Other neurological complications from seatbelt syndrome include traumatic brain injury, sensory impairments including tinnitus (ringing in ears), vertigo (dizziness) and in extremely severe cases, paralysis.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

If you’re experiencing any kind of trauma from a car accident, such as seatbelt syndrome, it’s of utmost importance to seek medical attention immediately so that your symptoms and underlying issues can diagnosed and treated before they worsen and potentially result in life-altering consequences.

Visit HURT911 in Atlanta for Same-Day Treatment of Your Car Accident Injuries

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, don't wait to seek treatment. Visit one of our injury centers right away to ensure the injury is properly diagnosed and treated. Early intervention can help reduce pain, improve function and prevent further complications from developing.

We also offer chiropractic care for various post-accident conditions, including shoulder pain, spine injuries and more.

Schedule your appointment today by calling 1-800-HURT-911.

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