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How Common Is Spondylolisthesis from Car Accidents?

Jeff Gorwitz • Aug 22, 2022
spinal xray and mri

Spondylolisthesis is a back condition that occurs when one or more vertebrae in your spinal column slip out of place, causing pain in your lower back and legs. The condition is quite common among people involved in serious car accidents. The physical trauma from an auto crash may cause the slipped vertebrae to put pressure on a nerve, resulting in excruciating pain and discomfort.

If your spondylolisthesis is the direct result of a car accident caused by another driver’s careless actions, you have every right to seek compensation for your condition by filing a personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

What Are the Symptoms of Spondylolisthesis?

Frequently, people suffering from trauma-induced spondylolisthesis don’t feel pain until hours or days after their accident. However, once the symptoms surface, they’ll likely manifest as:

  • Low back pain (often severe)
  • Pain radiating to your buttocks and down the legs
  • Difficulties walking or standing
  • Stiff and tight muscles

Is Spondylolisthesis Always Caused by Physical Trauma?

No. In fact, there are several other factors that may cause spondylolisthesis, including:

  • Birth defects
  • Underlying disease like cancer or osteoporosis
  • Post-surgical vertebrae slips
  • Degenerative spondylolisthesis due to aging

If you’ve included spondylolisthesis in your personal injury claim, it’s possible the insurance adjuster assigned to your case may try to dispute the validity of your claim. They may try to chalk up your spondylolisthesis to a preexisting condition or aging. However, your spondylolisthesis should not be disputed if your doctor determines it was caused by your car accident.

Spondylolisthesis Diagnosis and Treatment

If your doctor suspects you have spondylolisthesis, they will likely want to know more about your symptoms and order imaging tests like X-rays or an MRI scan.

In addition to a spondylolisthesis diagnosis, your doctor may also grade the severity of your condition based on your symptoms and imaging test results. For instance, if your spondylolisthesis is grade I or grade II, it’s not very serious. Your treatment will likely include non-invasive solutions, like rest or physical therapy. However, if you have severe spondylolisthesis (grades III and IV), your doctor may recommend surgery to help ease the pain.

Treatment of spondylolisthesis usually includes rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen, wearing a back brace and, in more severe cases, steroid shots and spinal decompression surgery.

What to Do If Your Spondylolisthesis Was Caused by a Car Accident?

When you’re in a car accident, the first and most important step you should take is to see a doctor. Even if you don’t need to be taken to the emergency room, you should still seek prompt medical care, preferably at a clinic specializing in accident injuries.


If you are diagnosed with a spine injury like spondylolisthesis or any other car accident-related injury, you should carefully follow your doctor’s orders and adhere to the prescribed treatment plan.

It’s likely your injuries will result in some unforeseen losses and expenses, such as having to pay for expensive medical bills or take unpaid time off from work. If your spondylolisthesis is severe, you may be forced to stay home for weeks on end in order to recover.

These unforeseen circumstances can set you back financially and take a significant toll on your emotional wellbeing. This is why your next step after receiving treatment for your injury should be to file a personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company and seek compensation for your damages, including medical bills, lost wages and property damage.

Many people choose to consult a personal injury attorney when filing their claim. The legal expertise of an experienced attorney can help you in areas like preserving and submitting evidence. You are also more likely to receive fair compensation when you have proper legal representation.

Have You Suffered Life-Altering Injuries from a Car Accident in Georgia?

At HURT911, we help accident victims recover from a wide range of injuries, including back pain, whiplash and head injuries. We provide personalized treatment plans, which often combine medical and chiropractic care.

Many car accident victims end up seeking compensation for their preventable injuries. If you’re seeking legal help or representation, we can connect you with a trusted and experienced personal injury lawyer.

For more information, call 1-800-HURT-911 or send us a message.

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