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Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident

Jeff Gorwitz • Mar 07, 2022
man suffering after car accident

Car accidents in Georgia are an inevitable occurrence. While many accidents are minor and leave drivers and passengers unscathed, an alarming number of auto collisions result in serious injuries or even death. According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, there were 331,798 car accidents in 2020; 1,588 were fatal crashes.

While no two collisions are the same, there are some common types of injuries people suffer when they’re involved in a car crash. Many of these injuries are serious enough to require extensive medical care or even long-term disability benefits.

People hurt in car accidents must seek immediate medical treatment to increase their chances of making a full physical and financial recovery.

Car accident injuries typically fall into one of two categories: impact injuries or penetrating injuries.

Impact injuries occur when the body is violently shaken or thrown against something in the vehicle’s interior. They can also occur when a vehicle hits a pedestrian or when a passenger is ejected from a vehicle. Penetrating injuries are cuts, puncture wounds or scrapes caused by foreign objects, such as shattered glass, cutting into a driver, passenger or pedestrian.

People can also develop mental and emotional injuries because of their accident.

If you’ve been hurt in a car crash, you may find yourself suffering from one or more of these common auto accident injuries.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are one of the most serious injuries you can suffer in a car accident. Traumatic brain injuries, even if properly treated, may result in substantial cognitive decline, memory loss, changes in personality and more.


This type of neck injury happens when your neck is subjected to a rapid back and forth whipping movement. Whiplash usually results from rear-end collisions, and injuries can range from mild to severe depending on the severity of the impact.

Broken Bones

Extreme car accident impacts can cause your bones to break. Many accident survivors will suffer broken legs, arms, shoulders, knees and more. While bones typically heal on their own, some types of bone fractures may require extensive surgery to set broken bone pieces together and ensure proper healing.

Road Rash

Road rash occurs when the uppermost layers of a person’s skin is scraped off due to either falling on a tarred surface or being dragged against it. Exposed skin affected by road rash will be red, swollen and painful to the touch.

Spine and Back Injuries

When a high-impact collision happens, your back may absorb an incredible amount of force and pressure. Common back injuries related to car accidents include soft tissue injuries, herniated disc and injuries to the spinal cord. If left untreated, back injuries can have far-reaching consequences, including permanent nerve damage and paralysis.

Internal Bleeding

Unlike cuts and scrapes, internal bleeding occurs inside the body and can be difficult to diagnose. Internal organ damage will not be outwardly visible, but you may experience several symptoms indicating internal bleeding, including bruising, dizziness, severe weakness, pain on one side of your body and low blood pressure.


If your vehicle catches fire and your skin is exposed to flames, you’ll likely suffer burns. If your burns are severe, you may require extensive reconstructive surgery or skin grafts.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Your may suffer psychologically in the aftermath of your accident. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) isn’t uncommon among accident victims and may manifest as anxiety, unwanted flashbacks, changes in mood, nightmares, insomnia and more.

Can You Avoid Car Accident Injuries?

You cannot fully eliminate the possibility of a car accident because you cannot control the actions of other drivers on the road. However, you can minimize your risk of a car crash by applying these safe driving practices:

  • Eliminate distractions like texting, eating or engaging in heated conversations
  • Wear a seatbelt
  • Take advantage of any safety devices your car may have
  • Don’t exceed the speed limit
  • Don’t engage in road rage
  • Keep a safe distance from other cars
  • Don’t drink and drive
  • Be especially cautious when driving in severe weather
  • Avoid breakdowns by maintaining your vehicle

Get Exceptional Car Accident Injury Care from HURT911 in Georgia

If you’ve been injured in an auto or slip and fall accident, consider getting medical assistance from a clinic specializing in accident injury care. Our board-certified chiropractors have the knowledge and expertise to accurately diagnose and treat your injuries and symptoms. Don’t avoid seeing a doctor because you think you cannot afford medical care.

At HURT911, we’ll treat your injuries at no cost to you, regardless of your financial situation. We’ll also assist you with filing an insurance claim and connect you with personal injury lawyers to increase your chances of making a full financial recovery. We encourage people involved in car accidents to visit one of our 10 locations in Atlanta, McDonough, Lawrenceville and Athens.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1-800-HURT-911.

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