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What Are the Symptoms of a Herniated Disc? How Are They Treated?

Jeff Gorwitz • Jul 11, 2022
woman with a herniated disc

A herniated disc, also referred to as a slipped disc, may be completely asymptomatic, meaning you have the condition but don’t immediately experience any symptoms. You might not realize you have a herniated disc until symptoms do manifest or you’re tested for another issue. Some people recognize something is wrong as soon as the disc slips because they experience:

  • Sharp or shooting pain in the arms or legs
  • Numbness or tingling in the affected area
  • Pain in the buttocks
  • Low back pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Worsening pain after prolonged sitting or standing

There are 23 discs in your spine. Your symptoms will depend on where the herniated disc is located.

If you’re experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, talk to a medical doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

Your spine consists of bones called vertebrae. In between these bones are rubbery discs. These discs are soft and jelly-like on the inside and are encased by a harder, rubbery exterior. Spinal discs act as cushions, allowing you to move around with ease. When the exterior of the disc tears, the soft nucleus slips out, resulting in a herniated disc.

What Causes a Herniated Disc?

In most people, a herniated disc is caused by wear and tear. As you age, your discs become less and less flexible and more prone to tears. Many people develop a herniated disc from overusing their back muscles, such as when moving or lifting heavy objects for a prolonged period of time.

Other causes of a herniated disc include genetics, working a physically demanding job and being overweight or obese. Carrying extra weight puts a lot of strain on the discs in your low back, which may cause them to tear and rupture.

In rare cases, your herniated disc may be caused by an accident, such as a fall or auto collision.

How Is a Herniated Disc Diagnosed and Treated?

Your doctor will begin with a detailed interview concerning your medical history followed with a physical exam. During the exam, you may be asked to lie flat and move your legs to various positions. Your doctor may also check your walking ability, reflexes and muscle strength. If the physical exam points to the possibility of a herniated disc, you’ll likely have to undergo imaging tests, such as an MRI or CT scan.

Herniated discs rarely require surgery to correct. Many people find relief from their pain by avoiding strenuous physical activity and taking over-the-counter pain medication, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. While you may be tempted to rest a lot when in pain, refraining from physical activity altogether isn’t recommended.

If your pain is severe and doesn’t respond to typical pain relievers, you doctor may recommend a cortisone or epidural steroid injection. These injections fight pain and inflammation in the affected area of your body. The pain-alleviating affects usually last for between two and six months.

You can also manage your pain with physical therapy. Gentle exercises and stretches can help reduce the pain and discomfort from a herniated disc.

In very rare cases, a herniated disc may require surgery, such as replacing the herniated disc with an artificial one.

How Can I Prevent a Herniated Disc?

There’s little most people can do to prevent a herniated disc. You cannot change your genes or reverse aging, which are both common contributors to disc ruptures.

However, there are several things you can do to decrease your chances of suffering from a herniated disc. These things include maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, avoiding tobacco products and lifting heavy objects using your knees instead of your waist.

Did You Hurt Your Back in an Accident in Georgia?

If you’re experiencing back pain from a car accident or fall, never ignore your symptoms. Seek medical help as soon as possible. Whether you’re looking for treatment for yourself or a loved one, the experienced medical doctors and chiropractors at HURT911 are here to help.

We’ll carefully examine your symptoms and offer a treatment plan tailored to your condition. Most of our patients pay no out-of-pocket costs to get their care started. We are experts in assisting patients with their injury claims and can even connect you with a local personal injury lawyer who can fight for the compensation you deserve.

To schedule your same day appointment at one of our Atlanta locations, call 1-800-HURT-911.

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